We Need Air Too: The Challenges Educators Have of Putting on the Oxygen Mask First

We Need Air Too: The Challenges Educators Face When Putting on the Oxygen Mask First

Written by: Maja Hansen, Client Success Manager

Canary Health had the pleasure of participating in the 2017 Oregon School Employee Wellness Conference March 26th-28th in Bend, OR.

We were humbled hearing the challenges faced every day by those who have made it their life’s work to educate and care for our future generations. Much as each of us is reminded when we fly to put our oxygen masks on before attempting to help others, these individuals must find a way to care for themselves physically, mentally and emotionally, in order to make the greatest impact on those who need them the most in their school system.

We heard from inspirational speakers about the effects of exposure to the hardship of others and preventing burnout, discussed wellness program policy and action planning, enjoyed creative healthy meals, and paused each hour to engage in a moment of physical activity. It was a perfect blend of hard work and preparation, with reminders to keep moving (literally and figuratively), get outside to enjoy the natural world, and connect with our families, friends, and colleagues in a meaningful way that allows us to care for ourselves so we can continue to care for others.

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